Work has officially ended yesterday. Say goodbye to the Cinderella in all of us, and wave hello to the blasting times that we are so going to enjoy in the brighter tomorrows.
I am now in this state where adjustments seem impossibly difficult. A tad worried about SEP (okay, make that a lot), but knowing that worrying wont help somehow worsen the condition. I have a million things left to be settled and yet all i want to do when i get back is to rest more to compensate for all the hard work that i've put in for the past 3 months, eat all the goodies i can think of, and enjoy the company of friends and family. Like how responsible is that and where has the sense of urgency went?
Our roadtrip plan got twarted, just because there aint seats on board the coaches AND Queen Yukon, the cruise that brings us across to Dawson City.
If our plan had worked out somehow, we would be happily in Skagway NOW, basking in the tourissy town instead of sitting in the room watching Jon & Kate plus eight, Shrek the third, untraceable and playng wii till my arm hurts. Imagine taking the coach, the a cruise to Dawson then renting a car and begin our 12-hour drive to Skagway, stopping over at Whitehorse, Canada for dinner then moving on to Skagway to bew elcomed by friends of Jo and Pam and retreating to a hotel room (at employee's rate!) to get ample rest before we begin the new day with fun-packed activities. Imagine fishing at the lake, trekking, going around the town and the nearby towns and seeing lots and lots and lots of wildlife that one can never find in Singapore zoological gardens. Then imagine driving all the way back to Dawson City (erm.. actually the 12-hr drive aint really fun but well, we'll make do), have fun exploring that town then board the coach back to Tok, sleeping all the way back knowing that we'll leave this GD place when we wake up. That sound so much like what we should be doing (like what i think we deserve). All our plans has gone to waste. Can't say i aint disappointed. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment i know. so i kept reminding myself that this is Alaska, not Singapore. and two trips on the bus cost a freaking USD270!!
Anyway, i have the 7-day thingy to look forward to, and Ditty's lunch tomorrow. I am so not going to let myself down after paying so much and coming all the way, the furthest out i can ever imagine being.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Christmas Caroling serving hot chocolate with baileys and kahlua. Yum.

Aftermath of celebrating Christmas in July.

USD$0.39 per packet of maruchan instant noodle that tastes pretty much like maggi

Jo's countdown calender

The mess of post-its we have on our wall, of work schedules, reminders, countdown slips and what not.

In-room entertainment, proudly sponsored by Jo

Aim. Lock. Fire!
Ditty: grab that weapon, move left. No you, not pam. Joanna walk to your left. Pam you're doing great! shoot the knees!! Aim at the light! reload!

Farewell for Dana and Steven at Fast Eddy's. Yum for pizza and baby ribs!

Left to right: Me, Maya, Emmanuela, Steven, Pamela, Joanna, Dana

Beautiful sunset on the way home. long 30 mins walk home.

Long long walk home on a full stomach.


30 cents per piece desserts!

Jena, our trailer mate who moved out. The Vegas blonde babe.
you should check out her tatoos!

Wii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii
Sunday, July 20, 2008
20 more days
i believe many of my dear friends and family know how limited my patience are, and i do admit i have a volcano-like temper, but amazing stuff is that though the management here is giving us bloody crap treatment, i have not yet blast off at them. perhaps, maybe i'm just too tired to bother about them. or maybe i just wana get this over and done with, so i'm god-damn not caring any more.
today, we were having lunch at the bar (an offered by Diddy, the nicest dude around though we suspect he pinch our grubs, but that's fine) which is good, coz we wounld't have to sit together with the old lady and silently chewing our food. anyway we were happily blabbling about how this management sux and how we wish the boss would place his darlings at the bottom of the hotel hierachy and start working to understand our hardwork, den the boss walked in and said "oh its you guys, though i heard some people talking"
next thing i knew we might not or maybe is will not get the return bus trip to anchorage free. oh well, wateva. like pam said, whateva we said is the truth and we god-damn-it mean it.
i shall say just this one thing: i never knew that i would hate america so much. really, no wonder they have to fear terrorist, coz they don't know how to treat people with respect and they think the world of their freaking self. period.
today, we were having lunch at the bar (an offered by Diddy, the nicest dude around though we suspect he pinch our grubs, but that's fine) which is good, coz we wounld't have to sit together with the old lady and silently chewing our food. anyway we were happily blabbling about how this management sux and how we wish the boss would place his darlings at the bottom of the hotel hierachy and start working to understand our hardwork, den the boss walked in and said "oh its you guys, though i heard some people talking"
next thing i knew we might not or maybe is will not get the return bus trip to anchorage free. oh well, wateva. like pam said, whateva we said is the truth and we god-damn-it mean it.
i shall say just this one thing: i never knew that i would hate america so much. really, no wonder they have to fear terrorist, coz they don't know how to treat people with respect and they think the world of their freaking self. period.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
We haven't exactly been updating this blog save for pictures of food.
Now that we're nearing the end of work, all 3 of us (or maybe just me) seems to be a little less patient and tolerant of the nonsense that this place and the people bring.
I've gone from the goody-two-shoes "okay no prob anything" to "watever i'll have to do it anyway i need no help no assistance just leave me alone i'll complete my duties" kinda attitude that i know aint really right but who cares anyway. Seriously, i'm amazed at the level of crap i can take as usually my no-nonsense limit is pretty low. Maybe i've adjusted to the lifestyle here where their labour/employment laws are such that employers have absolute power to fire anyone without reason so their word is kind of like law. it's irritating i know but resisting the urge to fight back openly certainly paid off. now that i know what they want, i'll lower my standards so as to treat myself better. soon i'll be gone and they'll realise that all the while the 3 of us are the most hardworking of the lot (because that is considered a virtue in Asia) and what's left behind is a pool of less competent and committed staff that can bring the ratings that they put so much emphasis on to the dumps. like YEAH. whatever.
Pam has decided to stop the second job so she save her sense of hearing that can be put to much better use back in Singapore in the world of music. Jo has adopted this i-dont-care-i'm-going-to-ask for (aka demand)-rest-on-the-last-few-days-that-we're-here-even-though-they're-going-to-charge-us-for-whatever-transport kinda attitude and she doesnt seem like she's going to change her mind anytime soon.
at work we're not as accommodating to their orders and i think it's good that we're showing our displeasures so that they know that Asians aint that easy to bully and that we'll willingly do what you want us to do for the sake of money. technically we're still doing it for the sake of money but well, certain issues got in th way and i think it's about time we prize other stuff higher than the work that we all obviously dont really enjoy doing for such a long term.
our dear Jo has started this fake chinese calender thingy with the countdown to the number of working days. on each piece of paper she has some funny smiley face drawn with the yeah signal and a piece of "motivational" we-can-do-it kinda paper next to that. like how nice. at least i know that the end is sooner than we think it is. the fun IS coming (like i'm not having fun being silently rebellious).. muahaha
k. till next time then.
Now that we're nearing the end of work, all 3 of us (or maybe just me) seems to be a little less patient and tolerant of the nonsense that this place and the people bring.
I've gone from the goody-two-shoes "okay no prob anything" to "watever i'll have to do it anyway i need no help no assistance just leave me alone i'll complete my duties" kinda attitude that i know aint really right but who cares anyway. Seriously, i'm amazed at the level of crap i can take as usually my no-nonsense limit is pretty low. Maybe i've adjusted to the lifestyle here where their labour/employment laws are such that employers have absolute power to fire anyone without reason so their word is kind of like law. it's irritating i know but resisting the urge to fight back openly certainly paid off. now that i know what they want, i'll lower my standards so as to treat myself better. soon i'll be gone and they'll realise that all the while the 3 of us are the most hardworking of the lot (because that is considered a virtue in Asia) and what's left behind is a pool of less competent and committed staff that can bring the ratings that they put so much emphasis on to the dumps. like YEAH. whatever.
Pam has decided to stop the second job so she save her sense of hearing that can be put to much better use back in Singapore in the world of music. Jo has adopted this i-dont-care-i'm-going-to-ask for (aka demand)-rest-on-the-last-few-days-that-we're-here-even-though-they're-going-to-charge-us-for-whatever-transport kinda attitude and she doesnt seem like she's going to change her mind anytime soon.
at work we're not as accommodating to their orders and i think it's good that we're showing our displeasures so that they know that Asians aint that easy to bully and that we'll willingly do what you want us to do for the sake of money. technically we're still doing it for the sake of money but well, certain issues got in th way and i think it's about time we prize other stuff higher than the work that we all obviously dont really enjoy doing for such a long term.
our dear Jo has started this fake chinese calender thingy with the countdown to the number of working days. on each piece of paper she has some funny smiley face drawn with the yeah signal and a piece of "motivational" we-can-do-it kinda paper next to that. like how nice. at least i know that the end is sooner than we think it is. the fun IS coming (like i'm not having fun being silently rebellious).. muahaha
k. till next time then.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Chicken Salad for dinner. YUM.

Salad dinner again. yummy but we have to other sources of food later on at night.

Breakfast i requested from chef Richard. Omelette!
this for breakfast when i say i want "anything." great deal i should say.

Yum. THIS is what i call breakfast. 2 WHOLE eggs with bacon and ham. YUM YUM.

Dinner. Mexican style. what more can i say?

4th of July, Independence day. They gave out patriotic duckies as a theme week gift.
Jo and her pop tart, toasted and yummy.

If you think I'd say "yum yum", think again. Everything on this plate is edible EXCEPT the meat. It's actually cow liver. COW LIVER! even the onions on top taste better.

Dinner at Fast Eddy's. Look at our faces. I think we were saying something like "you sure we can finish all that?"

Yum. Salad bar at Eddy's.

Pam: I want to be in the picture but I don't have to show my face!
PJ (thinking): Watever. Just smile.

Splurge on dinner at Eddy's. Bill totaled close to USD 100! Oops. Did i just mention how much we ate?

Jo with her oh-my-gosh-this-food-is-delicious-so-much-better-than-the-employee-meals face.. hee

Desserts after dinner at Eddy's. Some cinnamon-banna cake with caramel and vanilla ice-cream. Even Jo- who officially dislikes cinnamon, agrees that it's nice!

Reward for hard work- FOOD!! yoghurt and ice-cream. what better combination can you find?
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pam at the hanger place after fast eddy's

me at the same place

Swing swing

Pups for sale at burnt paw

Rabbit in the middle of the road

Summer Solstice

Rainy day.. =(

Pam on the phone


Night walk to three bears for snacks!!

Me and Jo


Pam and me

pam and Jo bike day. Yep. I was working. =(

In search of bird's nest BUT ended up with lame shots
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