Christmas Caroling serving hot chocolate with baileys and kahlua. Yum.

Aftermath of celebrating Christmas in July.

USD$0.39 per packet of maruchan instant noodle that tastes pretty much like maggi

Jo's countdown calender

The mess of post-its we have on our wall, of work schedules, reminders, countdown slips and what not.

In-room entertainment, proudly sponsored by Jo

Aim. Lock. Fire!
Ditty: grab that weapon, move left. No you, not pam. Joanna walk to your left. Pam you're doing great! shoot the knees!! Aim at the light! reload!

Farewell for Dana and Steven at Fast Eddy's. Yum for pizza and baby ribs!

Left to right: Me, Maya, Emmanuela, Steven, Pamela, Joanna, Dana

Beautiful sunset on the way home. long 30 mins walk home.

Long long walk home on a full stomach.


30 cents per piece desserts!

Jena, our trailer mate who moved out. The Vegas blonde babe.
you should check out her tatoos!

Wii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii
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